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Hello, this is a simple dev blog.

This is a simple dev blog that I made for my website. It's quite easy to install, just go to the project page and follow the prompts.

This template does some fancy stuff like pre-rendering blog posts and nav links, pre-fetching your profile image and adding a bunch of common meta tags.

How to get started

To create a new Zola site, first download the CLI and install it on your system. You can find installation instructions on the Zola website.

  1. After you've installed the Zola CLI, run the following command to create a new site:

    zola init my_amazing_site
    cd my_amazing_site
  2. After you've created the site, install the "Simple Dev Blog" theme like so:

    git clone --depth=1 \ \
  3. Now in your config.toml file, choose the theme by setting theme = "simple-dev-blog".

  4. That's it! Now build your site by running the following command, and navigate to

    zola serve

You should now have a speedy simple dev blog up and running, have fun!


Netlify is a great way to deploy your website for free to a custom domain and it's what I use personally. To deploy to Netlify, refer to Zola's Netlify deployment instructions.